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Our project

In 1980, a group of local winemakers foresaw viticulture as a way to revive our hillsides which, after years of neglect, were at risk of becoming dangerous for human settlements and extremely unwelcoming to tourists.

Thus there was a twofold benefit from the work of the Cooperative: utilising the areas around grazing land and fruit farms for economic development, and also safeguarding our hillsides from natural disrepair in terms of hydrogeology. Today, after almost 40 years of work, the first results are finally beginning to be seen in the area: some areas originally used as vineyards that had been abandoned after World War II have returned to their former glory, generating exceptional grape harvests.

Our goal is now to achieve sustainable precision viticulture, in which human intervention is compatible and respectful of the territory. We have been carrying out checks on pesticide residues for years, and our specific intention is to get as close as possible to ZERO usage (and, in any case, far below the legal limits) while operating according to the techniques of conventional viticulture. We Viticulteurs want to be attentive and capable interpreters of what our territory gives us.

Hillside, sun, stone and wind is not just a sales slogan but the summary of our land: they are the pillars of sustainable viticulture. These aspects are key elements for the production of quality grapes and a natural defence against the main adversities of the vine. The blessing of having such fortunate land must act as a stimulus to use ever fewer chemicals for protection against disease and instead favour precision agronomic techniques. It is our duty to safeguard the territory in which we live and where generations will succeed us.


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