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The soils of the Aosta Valley are of moraine origin, mainly composed of sand (80%) and the remaining part of silt. The clay content is minimal (at most 10%). The soils are sub-alkaline with an abundance of coarse sand and are usually not very deep.

The 20km of the central valley going from Saint Vincent to the border between Nus and Quart is the driest portion of the Aosta Valley. It seems counterintuitive to speak of drought areas in the midst of a mountain region whose average height is 2000m above sea level, but that’s how it is: in the territories that define the Chambave production areas there is rainfall of less than 500mm a year, dropping to under 90mm in the period between June and September. Precisely because of these climatic conditions, manual irrigation is part of traditional farming practices.

The winds are gusty, blowing daily from March to October with the effect of being able to drastically lower the relative humidity of the air.

However in the summer, daytime temperatures plummet overnight, which uniquely moulds the aromatic profiles of the grapes.


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