
Chambave | Valle d'Aosta





Eau de vie.


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We are mountain winegrowers at Chambave

Gradient, sunlight, rock and wind are more than just a slogan: they sum up our terroir and form the foundation of sustainable viticulture. A project targeting the production of quality grapes.

La Crotta wines are made by 53 families whose work is governed by a single beating heart: the cooperative. In 1980, a group of grape growers had the foresight to envision vineyards as a way to recover our slopes, which today, after nearly 40 years of toil, reward us with intensely flavored grapes that make us fully appreciate their story and soul in each and every glass.

L’Associazione Italiana Sommelier Lombardia racconta i nostri quattro Moscati di Chambave

Monday 20 January 2025


Il VdA Chambave Moscato Passito Prieuré 2021 ottiene i Tre Bicchieri 2025 del Gambero Rosso

Monday 07 October 2024


Griffe des Lions

Strength, power, balance.

A top of the line selection dedicated to the Vegneron, the vineyard tenders; the idea of the determined working of the soil, represented by the furrow.

The grit and the audacity to cultivate the slopes of our terroir and the prestige of creating an excellent bottle of wine, perfect in every detail.

Vins des mines

In the tunnels of the mines of Costa del Pino, in Cogne, in what was once the explosives depot, our bottles age in a special setting.

Fumin and Chambave Muscat develop into more complex wines thanks to the unique environment (darkness, humidity and high altitude), making a sip of one of these wines a unique sensory thrill.

Vins d’altitude

A crown of noble peaks rings our land, with a distinct impact on the climate and the organoleptic geometry of our sparkling Spumantes.

The panoramic glaciers have carved out the area’s morphology, creating a substrate of soil rich in minerals, pebbly and shallow – unique traits of this land, ideally expressed in our bubblies.

Discover our range
Territorial wines

In these wines, grape variety and territory are closely combined: Moscato di Chambave, Cornalin, Malvoisie, Vien de Nus, Petit Rouge are our characteristic productions.

Chambave Muscat

Nus Malvoisie




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